Customer Journeys start from multiple touchpoints today. Every touchpoint gives you the opportunity to impress your customer and grab their attention.
Gamification is a powerful tool to drive user engagement by incorporating fun elements at every customer touchpoints, thus, we see that many brands today are gamifying their touchpoints for instant gratification & increased engagement. They do this by offering rewards such as e-vouchers, e-coupons or promo codes.
According to Mordor Intelligence, the global gamification market is projected to grow from $9.1 billion in 2020 to $30.7 billion by 2025.
If you plan to gamify your customer touchpoints or your marketing campaigns, you definitely need a robust & flexible gamification software to help you implement your marketing right!
Here are four things we believe you need to look for while selecting the right Gamification software for your business.
1. Design Customisation
There is no- one-size-fits-all when it comes to designing your campaign.
Today, brand consistency is key, especially when it comes to design (i.e. colours, themes, and background elements etc). It helps to create continuous brand recognition across all your communication channels/campaigns.
Using a gamification software that gives you the flexibility to customize your campaign design each time is important.
Needless to say, design customization enables you to create a more personalized campaign and helps you design custom game experiences, such that they reflect the brand or the campaign theme for a specific audience.
By doing this, users are more likely to remember unique and personalized marketing campaigns rather than the generic and standard ones that are less impactful.

2. Security
It is important to make sure that the gamification software has a reliable system & processes to store your user’s data.
With data protection being a matter of concern today, it is critical that the platform you’re partnering with is at least compliant with industry standards when it comes to data protection and security.
Look out for government accreditations such as DPTM Certification (Data protection Trustmark by IMDA) or ISO compliance such as ISO27001 certification.
To avoid redemption fraud, you may want to look for features such as adding Micro animated elements to ensure that the voucher screenshot is not used for redemption.
This is very similar to the new version of the TraceTogether app that we all use today in Singapore where the otter on-screen is animated to ensure people do not use screenshots to enter areas.
Everyone is concerned about their privacy. With a secure solution like Vouchermatic, you also have the flexibility to implement your campaigns without having to share/ store data in the platform. This feature gives your & your customers a sense of protection & security.

3. Flexibility
When it comes to innovative marketing campaigns, brands usually plan them around certain months with discount periods or during festivities; with that said, you wouldn’t want to repeat the same game everytime. would you? You would want to try our new games (A/B testing) to see which of your campaigns do better and then further improve on them that work.
So it is important to choose a platform that gives you the flexibility to implement various types of games based on the time/month/ occassion/ theme of campaign.
For example: With Vouchermatic you can implement a Gift based game such as “Find Prize” or “Mystery Gift” during the gifting season of Christmas.
Whereas, during CNY you can implement “open Angbao” or “Fortune cookie” games to make them me relatable for that season.
Some other features that Vouchermatic offers are:
- Flexible budgeting methods (probability / budget based)
- 10+ games to choose from
- Automated digital incentives (e-vouchers, promo codes etc)
- Issuing External vouchers (eg: Grab) as rewards for game winners & managing inventory.

4. Speed to market
It’s always good to have Go-to-market strategy that can be implemented quickly and which allows you to fail or succeed quickly before your competitors even think about it.
Being the first to market with a creative campaign allows you to develop a reputation of being an industry leader instead of a follower.
So while choosing your gamification platform, you should look for a platform that will support your Go live dates & help you speed-up your go-to-market.
One of the things that you can look for is if the company you are choosing offers managed service or do you need to setup the campaigns on your own?
If managed service is not provided, try to request for a game demo to experience the user-friendliness of the system, the customer journey and assess the time required for you to learn the platform & implement the campaign yourself.
Vouchermatic offers complete managed service to take the burden-off your shoulders. We help you with the complete setup such that, all you need to do is test your gamification campaign & go live within a week’s time with the games!
When you’re choosing a gamification platform, look for one that is reliable and customisable to meet your company’s needs and goals.
With a system like Vouchermatic, we offer a variety of minigames that are fully customizable so that it will represent your brand.
We are DPTM certified, and are dedicated to safeguarding our customers’ privacy and data.
The right gamification platform can help you capture the attention of your customers and make your marketing campaign memorable.