Gamification & Rewards for FMCG


Unleashing Customer Loyalty with Rewards & Gamification

Loyalty & Incentives Management for Consumer Goods products (FMCG) 

Why Rewards & Gamification?

We understand the challenges that FMCG brands face in building and maintaining customer loyalty. That’s why we’ve created a powerful platform that combines the thrill of gamification with enticing rewards, all designed to enhance customer engagement and drive brand affinity.

Request a Demo

    We may collect and use your data for the following purposes only:
    1) performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of services requested by you.
    2) verifying your identity
    3) responding, handling and processing your queries, applications, feedback & complaints.

    Kickstart Your Gamification Campaign With Vouchermatic


    Harness the power of FOMO & ignite brand virality

    Gamified campaigns have the potential to go viral, reaching a wider audience and generating buzz around your brand. Users are more likely to share their game achievements or experiences, increasing brand visibility and awareness. Tap on “Fear of Missing Out Mindset” of consumers


    Increase Purchases by 5X with Impactful In-store Promotions

    Are you searching for ways to captivate and and increase point-of-sale purchases? Take your promotions to the next level using Contests, quizzes, brand trivia & lucky draw. Use in-store banners and top shelf branding to capture attention! By having in-store promotions next to your products, you can easily incentivise purchases and multiply your earnings 🔥
    In-store promotions
    In-store promotions

    Get Better Than Your Competition

    Implementing a gamification & loyalty program helps you differentiate your brand from competitors. It gives consumers a reason to choose your brand over others and creates a sense of exclusivity and value.

    Increase Purchases by 5X with Impactful In-store Promotions that Influence Buying Decisions


    Bring in the Customers, Bring Up the Sales

    Effortlessly create interactive games, challenges, and reward programs tailored to your brand’s unique identity and target audience. Whether it’s a skill based game, quick spin & win or competing in leaderboards our gamified experience will keep your customers hooked and coming back for more.

    • Acquire new customers with relevant discounts.
    • Create gamified campaigns such as SPIN & WIN, SCRATCH TO WIN
    • Conduct monthly lucky draws to captivate buyers

    Remain Unforgettable in Your Customers’ Minds

    Customers are quick to jump ship if your rival has a lower price. Cultivate their loyalty by engaging with them and keeping them interested in your brand.

    • Start loyalty programs with periodic rewards
      to keep them buying from you! 
    • Personalise your rewards.
    • Use unique claim codes on social media for limited time offers and create a buzz

    Level Up Your Brand Awareness

    Acquire new leads by spreading word about your business. Plant yourself in your customers’ minds with memorable games and shocking discounts.

    • Utilise vouchers as rewards for referral
    • Fun minigames help you stand out from 
      the crowd.
    • Easy for both you and your customers to share
      over social media!

    Cater to Online Customers

    Enhance shopping experience of online shoppers by offering them the option to effortlessly claim and redeem their evouchers and discounts online. This not only saves them valuable time and effort but also ensures a hassle-free and convenient process.

    • Allow your customers claim their discounts from the comfort of their own home!
    • Send out digital vouchers to your customers via social media, EDMS etc so they can buy from your online stores.
    • Easy to track, distribute, and redeem!

    Gather Valuable Customer Data

    To deliver personalized shopping experience  it’s essential to gather their data, enabling you to curate a highly targeted and engaging shopping journey that resonates with their individual needs and desires.

    • Use rewards to incentivise membership signups
      and gather customer information. 
    • Easy to send out deals and promotions using 
      provided email and SMS.
    • Personalise customers’ offers based on their
      browsing or purchasing histories.

    Like What You See? You Can Consider…

    Customer Data Acquisition

    Learn about customers’ preferences to give them a tailored experience!

    Mini- Games

    Present your customers their discounts in an exciting way!

    Incentive Management & Loyalty system

    Manage your coupons easily and distribute them seamlessly!

    Remind Your Customers to Come Back to You!

    Discuss Your Marketing Strategy with Us Today!