Customer Data Acquisition Made Easy

Customer Data Acquisition Made Easy

Win new customers with Vouchermatic’s Customer Data Acquisition System | Collect First Party Data 

customer acquisition


Incentives are a great investment in garnering support from new customers and gaining brand
recognition as they motivate people to learn more about your brand and are more likely to return
to use their incentives (e.g e-vouchers, coupons) to purchase your products & services.
Win & Engage New Customers

Acquire Hyperlocal Customer Data

Data Privacy

Informed Consent During Data Collection

Sales Growth

Pull in New Customers to Your Store

Incentive Marketing

The Perfect New Customer Acquisition Strategy​

Offer small value incentives to motivate & entice customers
to sign up & shop with you.

Types of Incentives

Acquire new customers by offering a range of incentives

Gamified Vouchers
Promo Codes
Loyalty Points

Case Study

Here is how we helped a large departmental store in India
acquire new customers.

Contact us for a demo