Voucher System for CaseTrust Accredited Beauty Businesses


The Spa, Beauty and Wellness industry in Singapore has seen a trend of growing complains by consumers about the doggy sales tactics used by the spa & wellness businesses.  

Since 2015 CASE has received 927 complaints about pushy staff who’d do everything to get you to sign on the dotted line for a beauty package. (CNA)  This led to development of The CaseTrust Accreditation for Beauty, Spa and Wellness Businesses where the primary objective was to instil consumer confidence for this industry by adopting good business practices. It is an increasingly accepted quality mark that has been established to meet the demands of the modern discerning consumer. 

Every case trust accredited business needs to strictly follow consumer friendly-policies such as:

  •  Protection for Prepayment : Assure consumers that the value they have paid for the products/ services is completely protected. Which means, in case they want to upgrade or change package their full unused value will be transferred. 
  • 5 Day Cooling off period: Upon buying the products/services, the consumer can cancel the package and seek a full refund.
  • Stress Free Treatment: No Selling policy during the treatment. Service staff needs to be educated on the No Sales Policy
  • Clear Fee Policies: Clearly defined & documented policies on charges and refunds
  • Well-Defined Business Practices & Systems: Proper systems in place to ensure clear dispute resolution mechanisms for business & consumers
  • Well-Trained Personnel: Train staff to provide a good customer experience. Educate on unethical sales tactics.


Prepayments are a common business practice in the industry where the business collects an upfront payment for the services to be consumed over a period of time.  

As a CaseTrust Accredited Beauty, Spa, and Wellness Business, your Consumers who have made prepayments must be assured that the value of their unutilized balance will be protected.

How Vouchermatic can help?

Vouchermatic- a ‘case trust’ friendly system can you instill confidence in your customer by ensuring: 

  • The prepayment made is well protected in form of digital vouchers and 
  • They are able to track the amount spent and treatment/session pending. 
  • Your consumers may also be further incentivised based on their purchase amount
  • Ensure complete visibility and tracking controls of the treatments pending, redeemed 
  • Offer balance amount transparency

Below are some of our features which are beneficial for any business that is case-trust accredited. 

  1. Consumer facing app/wallet : For transparency, consumers have access to a wallet feature, wherein they can view all the past and open vouchers in real-time
  2. Fully Secure  : Vouchermatic offers strict controls and follows best industry practices to ensure the integrity of the system
  3. Real-time: Upon payment, the consumer receives the voucher in real time. As and when-the vouchers are redeemed/ expired, they become inactive
  4. API First: Vouchermatic is built API first. Open APIs that are accessible for ease of integration if required.
  5. Easy Redemption : Vouchermatic offers easy redemptions techniques. The best part is you are able to redeem the vouchers even without integration with your POS. 

Vouchermatic will help improve customer engagement and create meaningful customer relationships in the digital era.