Education And Training

education training

Loyalty & Incentives Management for Education & Training Industry

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Programs & Incentives!

education training

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    1) performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of services requested by you.
    2) verifying your identity
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    What Can Vouchermatic Do for You?

    Edutainment with Minigames

    Make learning fun for your students and trainees with mini-games, leaderboards and point bars


    Reinforce Learning with Rewards

    Rewards give your students that boost of dopamine to encourage them to come back and play your game. Give out e-incentives in real time

    Better Knowledge Retention

    Apply gamification tactics to help boost retention rates. By increasing students’ engagement, they’re more focused on the topic at hand.

    Read About How Gamification Can Help In Training Employees!
    Level Up Your Education and Training Today!

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